Are you new to slushie making and want to learn how to make those beautiful frothy drinks? Or do you know how to make slushies but have trouble making them with a ninja blender? In this post, we would be teaching you all you need to know about how to make a slushie with a ninja blender and providing a step-by-step process you can follow.
With that said, let’s get right into it!
Do You Need A Ninja Blender to Make a Slushie?
Blenders are an essential tool for making slushies. Without one, it is impossible to get that frothy texture these drinks are known for.
While any blender can make a slushie, some blenders are much better than others. Ninja blenders are one of the best blenders to use for making homemade slushies, so if you are considering getting a blender to make homemade slushies with, a ninja blender is your best shot.
What Are the Ingredients Needed for Making a Slushie?
Slushies are actually pretty easy to make. All it takes to make a good slushie is just a few ingredients. A typical homemade slushie would contain some or all of these:
- The primary ingredients (e.g. fruits, veggies, juice, soda, drink mix, etc.)
- Ice (this is what makes your slushie frothy)
- Sugar
- Some water
- Any topping of your choice (e.g. chopped mint leaves, lime zest, etc..)
Different Ingredients for Different Slushies
The trick here though, is that there are many different types of slushies and hence, many different ingredients. Below are a few of these ingredients:
- Fruits/fruit juice: Fruit slushies are one of the most popular types of slushies. If this is the type of slushie you want to make, then you’d need to get either fresh fruits or fruit juice. Almost any fruit can be used here, and you could choose to use just one type of fruit or a mixture of different ones. The choice is all yours.
- Soda: Soda slushies are another popular type of slushie, and just as it is with fruit slushies, the choice of soda you can use to make these slushies are quite numerous. You could choose club soda, diet soda, or any other type of soda you want. You could even mix different ones if you feel like it.
- Drink mix: Slushies can also be made from items like Kool-Aid and other drink mixes.
- Vegetables: Vegetable slushies have become quite popular in recent years. Items like cucumber, celery, etc. can be made into slushies either alone or mixed.
So basically, the ingredients used to make your slushie would be determined by the type of slushie you want to make. If you would be making a fruit slushie, for example, all you need are fruits and ice cubes. If you would be making a soda slushie (a coca cola slushie for example), you would need your preferred soda instead.
This is why your slushie recipe is of maximum importance.
Do you have a slushie recipe you would like to try out? If not, here is a collection of slushie recipes to choose from.
Now that you have your ingredients and recipe ready, here are 3 easy-to-follow steps you can use to make slushies with a ninja blender.
How to Make Slushies with Ninja Blender in 3 Easy Steps
Prepare Your Ingredients
This step greatly depends on the type of slushie you are making and the ingredients involved. If you would be making a fruit slushie, for example, preparing your ingredients would mean washing your fruits, peeling those that need peeling, and then cutting them into a bowl. Similar preparations would have to be made as well for veggie slushies.
If you are making a soda or drink mix slushie, however, all it would require is for you to have your choice of soda or drink ready.
The primary ingredients aren’t the only things to worry about though. Make sure your ice is ready, your mint leaves have been sliced, and your sugar is available.
Get Them All In Your Blender
Once you have all your ingredients ready and good to go, place them all into a clean blender. While any blender can be used here, ninja blenders are typically the best option.
How you would mix your ingredients would mostly depend on the slushie recipe you are using. When placing your ingredients into your ninja blender though, it is important that you do not fill up more than ¾ of the blender. This would ensure that the ingredients have enough room to mix.
Not every ingredient goes into the blender at once though. If you have toppings in your recipe, then those come in later, not here.

Start Blending
Once your ingredients have been placed into your ninja blender, it is time to start blending. Before you get started though, ensure that the lid is securely in place. Blend the mixture for about a full minute. Stir to see if there are any chunks of ice in the blender. If so, blend the mixture some more until there are no longer any chunks left.
Serve Your Slushie
For many slushie recipes, this is the final step and your slushie is good for drinking. All you need to do is serve your slushie into a cup and it is ready to wet your throat on that hot summer day!
If your slushie recipe has topping ingredients in there, however, the last step is to sprinkle your toppings, and you are good to go!
So there you have it. Your favorite slushie doesn’t have to be something you have to buy outside. With a blender, you can make your favorite slushie in just a few minutes, right from the comfort of your home!
A typical blender might be able to help you get the job done, but a ninja blender is a much better option. Are you looking for a quality ninja blender that can get the job done? Here is a professional yet affordable ninja blender you would love.